Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Questions for second reading Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Questions for second reading - Term Paper Example Despite the fact that they may be speaking English, these different races may not understand each other due to integration of English with their own culture leading to different forms of slang. It is, however, vital to note that the statement above makes â€Å"autoethnographic work appears anomalous and chaotic. Autoethnography simply means that the researcher views society through his own personal experiences. This, therefore, means that since culture is distinct and monolingual people of different races would, therefore, interpret culture differently. Every culture would, therefore, have their own definition and interpretation of culture. This leads to misunderstanding and miscommunication. On the other hand, Guaman Poma’s text may be considered heterogeneous due to the manner in which people live in current society. Improved transport and technology has narrowed the divide that was there between the different cultures. The development of cities and towns in which different cultures meet has led to the integration of culture. This transculturation does not occur over night and is normally occurs due to the nature of humans to resolve their conflicts over time. This bringing of societies together is mainly due to the fact that a compromise has been reached between the different cultures. This is mainly due to interracial marriage, ethnic conflict, war, and racism. A perfect example of a group in which the different cultures participate in as a community is school. Education has been a key factor in bridging the divide between the various cultures. This is because schools bring the different types of races in a single setup in which they learn the very same things. It has led to the development of friendships between the people of different races and this enhances transculturation. Schools can, therefore, be thought of as a contact zone. This is because schools allow for people of different culture to meet in a single setting without

Sunday, October 27, 2019

love is present in most

love is present in most In Monzà ³s â€Å"El perquà ¨ de tot plegat† the topic of love is present in most, if not all, of the 30 stories. However, it is represented in different ways and this is what I want to look more closely at. I have chosen the topic of love because it is interesting, intriguing, fascinating, and applies to everyone in the world. Love can be very different- for example impersonal, interpersonal, familial and platonic, romantic and even religious. Nevertheless, the type of love I want to focus on and the type of love that Monzà ³ describes in his book is mostly interpersonal and romantic. However, before starting to analyse Monzà ³s conception of love I would like to clarify what is meant by interpersonal and romantic love. Love in general is a mixture of emotions which we feel when we have a strong affection and attachment to something or someone, and it can be used to describe any feeling ranging from general pleasure to a deep attraction between people.   Interpersonal love stands for the love between human beings and it is a much stronger feeling than just liking someone, and romantic love obviously refers to passionate desire and intimacy. The general conception of love is that it is something very complex and is difficult to define because there are many different feelings and emotions involved. However, different people have different views on love and I will talk about Monzà ³s conceptions of love and the way he sees it. I will firstly investigate the existence of a perfect relationship and whether it can actually exist, and then I will look into why relationships end, because I think that Monzà ³s conception of love is based mainly on these two points. After reading â€Å"El perquà ¨ de tot plegat† I got an impression that Monzà ³ is quite critical of love and talks of it in a sarcastic way. All of his stories are about real people and real-life situations, but they are very exaggerated and I doubt that these situations can happen in the exact same way as he describes them in his book. Also, from Monzà ³s stories we get an idea that love is never perfect and that there is always something lacking. It is as if people are never satisfied with what they have, and strive for more without realising how much they have already got. Sometimes, it even goes as far as trying to change the other person although this is not the best decision. Monzà ³ demonstrates this in his story â€Å"Pigmalià ³Ã¢â‚¬  where the narrator tries to make the girl a perfect lover. Although he succeeds in this, it only brings him unhappiness as he realises that he has created a slut, and not someone he can love. This story is a very good example of w hy infidelity happens, as it proves that when people are bored in a relationship, they start thinking about cheating. In this case, it is the girl who wants to experiment and try something new with other people, so the narrator has to throw her out at the end because he cannot imagine her with any other man and he does not want her to be with anyone but him. In addition, Monzà ³ seems to believe that love cannot be pure and that something always has to be proven, given or justified. A very good example of this can be seen in â€Å"La Fe† where the female character wants her boyfriend to prove to her that he loves her. She cannot just accept this fact; she has to have a proof that he is telling her the truth. After reading Monzà ³s stories, it became evident that infidelity is one of the main ideas that he uses to define love. It seems as if for him, love cannot exist if there

Friday, October 25, 2019

Devastated Asia - Tsunami Attack :: essays research papers

(Based on the December 26th attack) What Are Tsunamis, and What Causes Them? Tsunamis are ocean waves produced by earthquakes or underwater landslides. The word is Japanese and means "harbor wave," because of the devastating effects these waves have had on low-lying Japanese coastal communities. A tsunami is a series of waves that can travel at speeds averaging 450 (and up to 600) miles per hour in the open ocean. As the waves approach the coast, their speed decreases and their amplitude increases. Tsunamis are most often generated by earthquake-induced movement of the ocean floor. Landslides, volcanic eruptions, and even meteorites can also generate a tsunami. Areas at greatest risk are less than 25 feet above sea level and within one mile of the shoreline. From an initial tsunami generating source area, waves travel outward in all directions much like the ripples caused by throwing a rock into a pond. As these waves approach coastal areas, the time between successive wave crests varies from 5 to 90 minutes. Their Effect†¦ †¦on lives Most deaths caused by a tsunami are because of drowning. Associated risks include flooding, contamination of drinking water, fires from ruptured tanks or gas lines, and the loss of vital community infrastructure. †¦on hygiene Contrary to popular belief that rapid burial is essential to prevent outbreaks of disease, post-disaster, a report by the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) says: â€Å" dead bodies pose a negligible risk †. †¦on the infrastructure With most people focusing their attention on the losses suffered by the fishing community, in the aftermath of the tsunami, Tamil Nadu’s (deprived of aid) coastal farmers have to come to terms with destroyed crops, damaged soil and devastated livelihoods. Scores of farmers in Tamil Nadu face an uncertain future as the water that engulfed their fields, washing away crops, has left the soil saline and uncultivable. Although the extent of the damage is yet to be fully assessed, officials say that a substantial proportion of cultivable land has been contaminated by salt water. †¦on tourism Tourism constitutes a major sector of the Indian economy and it will be correct to say that it has been affected due to the tsunami tragedy. Tourists who were planning to go to the south – eastern coastal regions have cancelled their bookings at the last few minutes. Travel agents have had to deal with these last-minutes cancellations and there will be an immediate impact on the travel industry for India.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mandating School Uniforms Essay

The controversy on school uniforms has continued from the early 1990’s and its worth was reiterated by President Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address in 1996. In attending a school which incorporates the school uniforms parents need to know what school uniforms represent, the goal of the schools for their children, and what should be taught to their children. School uniforms create unity and pride. School uniforms are also encouraged as a means to help ensure students safety and assist them in achieving academic success. Although it is argued that  school uniforms is a breach of a student’s freewill for self- expression, all public schools should incorporate uniforms because it creates and symbolizes unity and pride, heightens discipline, but most importantly it is believed that the reinforcement of school uniforms decrease bullying, disciplinary actions ,and violence. School uniforms create unity with uniforms being the same across the whole campus. Teachers are able to identify students and separate them from outsiders or those who are on campus without permission. Parents also play a big role in educating students with what uniforms represent for them and the schools they attend. Students will become more confident in engaging with their peers and teachers because they will not feel any different but rather have a sense of belonging. Huss’s (2007) article â€Å"Do uniforms influence teacher expectations† reports that teachers perceived an elevation in the overall morale at the school after the implementation of the school uniform policy. School uniforms boost confidence in students and makes it easier to interact with one another without being self-conscious about the attire he and/or she has on. It is an acknowledgement of the schools they attend but most importantly who they represent as  individuals. Students with low socioeconomic statuses are unable to express themselves if they are unable to afford the new and latest trends which may cause them to feel out of place. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 3 Would a parent ever want his and/or her child singled out because of clothing? Parents need to think about all students who are currently affected and not only for their own child’s sake or unnecessary want. Other students who wish for brand name clothing and cannot have them tend to shy away from others and eventually shy away from school. With school uniforms  implemented students will learn to appreciate themselves as students, and without distractions from clothes they will be able to see one another for who and what they represent which is the act of unity and the start of discipline. Anderson (2002) states that when students dress alike, a â€Å"team-like† culture develops, and this promotes school spirit and positive self-images. Uniform is in fact a representation of one, and students will grow to understand the value of wearing a uniform. Because all students look alike, differences are pushed aside thus allowing more time to focus on academics. School uniforms decrease disciplinary actions because students have more self-respect, respect for their peers and for their teachers. Some school personnel believe students and teachers tend to behave the way they are allowed to dress (Stephens, 1996). When school uniforms are present in schools the goal is to make a distinction between teachers and students. Teachers are given the authority to teach and students are given an undivided attention from teachers which will allow them to learn. An observation of a United Kingdom school conducted by Amy Walmsley (2011) stated with school uniforms implemented students are more likely to  respect peers and teachers because they are reminded that their job is to be a student. Students will attend school in uniforms and cannot differentiate with one another as they are able to identify themselves and their peers as students are all in school for one common goal which is to learn and exceed in academics. Teachers can lead by example and support the integration of school uniforms by wearing similar colors to school consequently reminding the students that Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 4 they are all on the same page. Parents and guardians can lend a hand in educating their children  as well to ensure students understand the importance of school uniforms in creating discipline overall school campus. With discipline comes more control in the schools and school uniforms can definitely be one influential cause. Studies conducted with regards to student discipline has shown that schools which have incorporated school uniforms have noted that students behaved better, paid more attention in class, and interacted in a respectful manner than before the implementation took place (Huss, 2007). As Angela Walmsley (2011) reiterates in her article, â€Å"teachers appreciate the fact that the  presence of school uniforms brings a sense of duty to the students and respect for the school and teachers. Uniforms should be used to create a positive school climate in which students focus on learning and bring back a little bit more respect for teachers and students in the classroom†. Teachers perceived improvement in academic and achievement motivation, an increased sense of responsibility by students acknowledging a more effective use of instructional time, and greater participation in classroom activities (Huss,2007). Why else would parents not want to implement  school uniforms in public schools? Students are being bullied, violated, and threatened for their designer or brand name clothing. Others with low socioeconomic statuses are constantly being harassed and ridiculed because they do not fit in a social group due to what they wear. The implementation of school uniforms can minimize the act of bullying in schools. Nowadays fashion trends and designer clothes are aimed to a younger generation, and students are going out of their way to flaunt (show off new clothes with attitude) them. While some students are fortunate enough to receive  these with parents who are able to afford them, others are not able to because their parents have much more important things to worry about with regards to how money is being spent in their Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 5 households. Students cannot learn to appreciate the effort of the school for the integration of school uniforms if parents continue to condone this type of behavior. Parents need to be mindful of all other reasons that may affect students while they are in school and their cry for freedom of expression. In an attempt to help stop bullying The Federal Government has created a Stop  Bullying website and brings to light a certain group of students who may be at risk of being bullied. Some of the children who may be at risk of being bullied if it has not occurred yet are perceived as different from their peers because of different clothing or not wearing what other students consider cool (â€Å"Stop Bullying, † n. d) . Students especially those who are females are known to degrade one another if the clothes worn are not of the latest style. An editor, Vanessa O’Connell of The Wall Street Journal writes and reports on fashion bullies from a public school which has yet to incorporate a school uniform. Students without the latest cool brands have become a target for bullying because they are wearing the wrong brands. It is stated that the number of fashion bullies (or those related to clothing) and incidents have increased over the years, therefore calling for assistance in reduction of these types of incidents. Susan M. Swearer, associate professor of school psychology at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, surveyed a total of more than 1,000 students at five Midwestern middle schools from 1999 to 2004, with about 56% of the sample female, and more than one-third of the students admits to being bullied  because of their clothing (O’Connell, 2007). Students should not have to worry about clothing but it is happening and it needs to stop with the reinforcement of school uniforms. Furthermore, the Bullying Statistics from 2013 has stated that 77% of students are being bullied on a regular basis, and half of the percentage is made up of students who are harassed and fear returning to school. The effects of bullying are low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and some suicidal thoughts. Bullying due to clothing occurs when students are being teased or Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 6 humiliated constantly for not having the latest designer clothes, or for having a different type of style in attire such as Goth wear or those of a low socioeconomic status. Name-calling, dirty stares, elimination from social groups are some of the actions defined as bullying which students are involved in at school. With the integration of school uniforms there should be no bullying in school with respect to the types of clothing the students should wear. Students will not be intimidated by one another because they choose to express themselves differently, therefore  permitting them to the freedom they need to learn and exceed in academics. The most important reason school uniforms should be incorporated is to help decrease violence. Violence in schools has been marked by health professionals as a threat to overall health and academic success of students (Stephens, 1996). In addition, programs which were implemented in schools to assist with violence have noted a possible connection between school violence and the type of clothing students wear (King, 1998). Most cases are due to the fashion trends which is most attractive by students such as brand name clothing or urban wear which are  over-sized and can be mistakenly identified as gang-related clothing. This type of wear is the made popular by famous hip hop artists and rappers whom students look to imitate and idolize. Students have had violent encounters in school because some individuals envy them because they cannot afford to purchase these types of clothing. Furthermore, gang members are usually differentiated from one another through the colors they wear and there have been instances where students from local schools are unintentionally harmed or gunned down due to the colors they choose to wear to express themselves in school. Other students who become victim to these occurrences are able to hide weapons in their large clothing which is potentially placing all students in harm’s way. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 7 Violence in schools has been an ongoing issue over the last decades and King notes in his article Should School Uniforms be Mandated in Elementary School how violence has negatively influenced students and have caused one of every 10 to 12 youths to stay away from school does so because of fear (Stephens, 1997; Everett & Price,1995). Students fear for their lives because of the common occurrence of violence. They are no longer motivated to attend nor learn from school as they do not feel safe in school. These feelings eventually cause isolation and causes students to drop out of school. With the implementation of school uniforms, fights over looks and styles will discontinue hence giving faculty, staff, teachers, and parents more time to focus on academic success of students. In support of decreasing violence through incorporating school uniforms research studies have shown that there has been an intense decrease of violence and disciplinary problems for Kindergarten through Grade Eight in schools which have incorporated  uniforms (King, 1998). Requiring school uniforms is one of the simplest ways to start teaching students about unity and pride as they start school and grow into learning individuals. It is important for parents and teachers to support the decision to implement school uniforms and allow the students to adapt to the changes which are designed to provide them a safe and secure learning environment. The reinforcement of school uniforms will lead to changes that are not only beneficial to students but the teachers and the school as a whole. It will help the students understand the importance of  school uniforms and how they symbolize unity and pride. In addition it encourages students to learn to appreciate and respect themselves, their peers, and teachers and remove distractions from which eventually lead to bullying, fighting, or some form of disciplinary or violent behavior. With full support from parents, the students will be on their way to academic success. Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 8 Students can lead themselves to a fit and well-disciplined environment where they will be able to learn at their full capacity, and their teachers can teach at their maximum potential (King, 1998). References Everett SA, Price JH. Students’ perceptions of violence in the public schools: the MetLife survey. J Adol Health. 1995; 17:345-352. Huss, J. A. (2007) The role of school uniforms in creating an academically motivating climate: Do uniforms influence teacher expectations. Journal of Ethnographic and Qualitative Research, 1, 31-39. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/ Should Public Schools Reinforce Uniforms? 9 Kling, K. A. (1997) Should School Uniforms be Mandated in Elementary Schools? Journal of School Health, 68 (1), 32-37. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/ O’Connell, V. (2007, October) Fashion Bullies Attack – In Middle School The Wall Street Journal Retrieved from: http://online. wsj. com/news/articles/SB119326834963770540 Portner J. Department to issue guidelines on school uniforms. Educ Week. 1996;15(24):27 (as cited in King, 1998, p. 32) Stephens RD. The art of safe school planning. Sch Admin. 1996;53(2): 14-21. (as cited in King, 1998, p. 32) The US Dept of Education. Manual on School Uniforms, online. Retrieved from: http://inet. ed. gov/updates/uniforms. html. Feb 29, 1996. The U. S Department of Health & Human Services Manual on Bullying, online Retrieved from: http://www. stopbullying. gov/at-risk/factors/#atrisk The White House Office of the Press Secretary. Memorandum for the Secretary of Education. Subject: Manual on School Uniforms, online. http://inet. ed. gov/PressReleases/02- 1996/whpr. 26. html. Feb 23, 1996. Walmsley, A. (2011) What the United Kingdom can teach the United States about school uniforms. Kappanmagazine. org. 92 (6), 63-66. Retrieved from: http://eds. b. ebscohost. com. proxy-library. ashford. edu/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay

Analysis on Fast Food Culture and Its Double-side Effects to the world from the Development of American Fast Food ?. Introduction Fast food is becoming more and more popular around the world these years. It is estimated that there are more than 100 branches of McDonald’s and KFC only in Beijing. The appearances of the fast-food arouse a new thing named â€Å"fast-food culture†, and also the debate about this culture by people. ?. Brief history of American fast food 1. McDonald’s two brothers named Richard and Maurice McDonald left their home in New Hampshire and seeking jobs in southern California. At first they tried opening a theater but it was not a success. Then they caught on to the new craze of eating at drive-in restaurants and they opened one in 1939, in Pasadena, California, calling it â€Å"McDonald’s Famous Hamburgers†. (http://hi. baidu. com/) 2. The Emergences and Expansion of KFC KFC, shorted from Kentucky Fried Chicken, is a chain of fast food restaurants based in Louisville, Kentucky. KFC primarily sells chicken in form of pieces, wraps, salads , sandwiches and so on. The popularity and novelty of KFC made it famous and popular throughout the world. The fast food like KFC is also developed in the whole world. (http://www. kfc. com. cn) ?. The Development of Fast Food Industry Most people think that it is the McDonald brothers who start the fast-food craze in America, but in reality, it is the White Castle hamburger chain that actually started fast food history in America. J. Walter Anderson opened the first White Castle in 1916 in Wichita, Kansas, Richard and Maurice McDonald, the two brothers who created the first McDonald’s restaurant in 1948 in San Bernardino, California. By 1953, the brothers had decided to franchise their idea, and two franchisees opened in Downey, California and Phoenix, Arizona. Today, fast food chains have spread all around the world, and have spread American culture right along with them. There are many more popular chains, like Carl’s Jr. , Arby’s, Domino’s and Dairy Queen, indicating that fast food isn’t always about hamburgers. ?. Globalization In 2006, the global fast food market grew by 4. 8% (Linda Stradley, 2008) Globalization is that the world is moving away from self-contained national economies towards an interdependent, integrated global economic system. It refers to the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy. Fast food is becoming more and more popular around the world these years. It is estimated that there are more than 100 branches of McDonald’s and KFC only in Beijing. But the fast food sell in China which crude material is always manufactures in other countries. So if something changed in China, it is sure affects other countries. Fast food is already spread into the world, it is sure increase the knowledge between countries. Conclusion Throughout the world, American fast-food chains have become symbols of Western economic development, opening everywhere from Bulgaria to Western Samoa.and attracted a large number of consumers and the economic benefits. Fast food industry is decided by the development of social progress and economic development, it improves people’s living standards and way of life. The fast food industry is an important industry of living environment and investment environment, and also an important component of the consumer leisure, tourism, consumption, shopping and spending. The competition in the fast food market is very intensely, but should be focused on one aspect: that is, to eat fast food with nutrition, health. High-calorie fast food as a high-fat food is not suitable for eating. Fast food does have double-sided effects on the development of economy and people’s life. Though fast food still have so many shortages of this or that, This kind of food culture is true developed to be part of people’s life, no matter the criticism of fast food is true or not, fast food is still to be a trend in the future. Works Cited Linda Stradley. 2008. What’s Cooking America New York: New York University Press http://hi. baidu. com/ http://www. kfc. com. cn.